Duas kabiny duplas , WC e cozinha com frigorifico ****** Sunset/Afterwork tour: Možnost je dostupná pod názvem Afterwork, trvá 2,5 hodiny. Počáteční čas je standardně nastaven na 18:00, ale přesný čas lze projednat s majitelem lodi, protože čas západu slunce se každý den liší.
Duas kabiny duplas , WC e cozinha com frigorifico ****** Sunset/Afterwork tour: Možnost je dostupná pod názvem Afterwork, trvá 2,5 hodiny. Počáteční čas je standardně nastaven na 18:00, ale přesný čas lze projednat s majitelem lodi, protože čas západu slunce se každý den liší.
Duas cabines duplas , WC e cozinha com frigorifico ******Sunset/Afterwork tour: The option is available under the name Afterwork, lasts for 2.5 hrs. The starting time is set at 6 PM by default, but the exact time can be discussed with the boat owner, as the sunset time varies every day.
Duas cabines duplas , WC e cozinha com frigorifico ******Sunset/Afterwork tour: The option is available under the name Afterwork, lasts for 2.5 hrs. The starting time is set at 6 PM by default, but the exact time can be discussed with the boat owner, as the sunset time varies every day.
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