Whaly 370 (2023) je zbrusu nová loď, která uveze 4-6 osob. Je vyrobena z polyetylenu a je téměř nepotopitelná a nezničitelná. Whaly je uživatelsky přívětivý a snadno se ovládá. Má motor Suzuki 6 HP a stínítko, takže vás během dne udrží mimo slunce.
Whaly 370 (2023) je zbrusu nová loď, která uveze 4-6 osob. Je vyrobena z polyetylenu a je téměř nepotopitelná a nezničitelná. Whaly je uživatelsky přívětivý a snadno se ovládá. Má motor Suzuki 6 HP a stínítko, takže vás během dne udrží mimo slunce.
Whaly 370 (2023) is a brand new boat that can carry 4-6people. It has been made out of Polyethylene and it’s almost unsinkable and inderstructible. Whaly is user friendly and easy to control. It has Suzuki 6 HP motor and a shade so,it can keep you out of the sun during the day.
Whaly 370 (2023) is a brand new boat that can carry 4-6people. It has been made out of Polyethylene and it’s almost unsinkable and inderstructible. Whaly is user friendly and easy to control. It has Suzuki 6 HP motor and a shade so,it can keep you out of the sun during the day.
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